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Find my way to slow down - Freediving

💡 In 2023, I pursued certificates, driven by a consistent thirst for learning and curiosity. At times, I found myself questioning why, but as my learning journey expanded, the purpose became clearer. However, my ultimate desire is to slow down.

🐳 Last October, I became captivated by the sport of Freediving. During an open water session in November, I experienced panic while attempting a breath-holding exercise at a depth of 10 meters, where I had to remove my mask and swim back to the surface using arms only. This panic prompted me to commit to training.

🐉 In the Year of the Dragon, I found that 'practice makes perfect' is the best way for me to slow down. I am grateful to have discovered this sport, as it has allowed me to make progress and learn something new with each session. Today, I am proud to have reached my personal best depth, although it may not be enough to meet the requirements. However, the feeling of heightened awareness of the mind is the true essence of slowing down that I have been seeking, and it feels awesome.

Freediving Stretching Preparation

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